Thursday, January 29, 2009

Confessions of a Total Idiot

I spent two and a half hours this morning writing a piece that turned out to be 80 words long in the end, "Richmond Gymnopédie."

My car, during this time, slid down the icy driveway and into the street.


Matt Bell said...

Considering how good that series of shorts is going, I think that even though the time/word count ratio is kind of daunting, you probably turned out some great work.

But yeah, sucks about your car-- Hopefully it was more of an inconvenience that anything worse?

Scott Garson said...

that's right, nothing happened. you just feel pretty stupid when look out the window and see your car sitting there crossways in the street....

one drawback of trying to make each of them different -- the Gymnos--is that I never know what I'm doing when I start one. So yesterday I probably generated five or six times the amount of words i ended up w/....