Just got them in the mail, and good thing there were two because B and I were at them immediately. This is easily one of the prettiest things I've been in. A really, really nice job Steph and Adam et. al have done w/ this one. Very hard to leave it and go to work.
My story is called "In Lieu of My Final Paper." Here's the first part from memory:
"Prodigious thanks, first of all, Professor Saloman, for considering what I wrote in my March 12 email and granting me an incomplete. You yourself could not hope for such clemency if you tried emailing us with excuses like mine and saying you could not give us grades. I am very aware of this. Awareness in general is definitely on the rise in my case, even as I deal with the confusion of my parents' divorce and my mother's collapse...."
Some others in #4, again from memory: Kevin Canty, Hannah Tinti, Jamie Iredell, and Jessica Breheny, who I never managed to meet when I was in Santa Cruz (though my friend Liz Bennett did her best!).
Late add-on: just read at the Avery blog that Emma is going to be at AWP w/ the issue. Stop by their table for sure...