Friday, March 27, 2009

Gender Gaps

Ravi Mangla's bookshelf gets 'rated,' in a very amusing way, by Jimmy Chen over at HTML Giant.

Somebody--I think K. Sampsell--stands up for Ravi in the comments section but notes that the stack is a little guy heavy.

This has me thinking: my own shelves are probably tipped towards the guy side of the scale.

So then: why is Wigleaf the way it is? I noticed this because I'm always doing really geeky things relative to the sequencing: making sure there aren't too many first-person stories in a row, that kind of thing. I noticed: for a while now, Wigleaf has been running close to a 3 to 1 ratio of women to men....


Jimmy Chen said...

that's good to know, about the 3:1 ratio. i've wondered this myself, there are way more males than females -- from online lit all the way to the shelves of borders. i think you need to have an obtuse ego to play the game, which is arguably more male. lydia davis, lorrie moore, and virginia woolf are all i need though...

Molly Gaudry said...

How is it that you have 3:1 women:men? You / Wigleaf must receive an award for this, methinks.