Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Confessions of a Man with a Head Cold

* I drink

* I like to moan about shit

* I shave about once every two weeks, when the curl of the beard starts itching. I trimmed it once, to avoid shaving, but felt unmasculine doing that

* I hate not going to AWP, but I'd be uptight if I went this year. I'd have to meet all these people that I feel like I already know -- through their work, though e-life in general. It'd be like a meeting of skins. Would it not be strange?

* I've been thinking about rewriting a story that I'm perfectly happy w/. I like it, you don't. So I'm thinking of re-doing it. The basic problem, as I imagine it: nobody gets to the end. They're put off by the particular first-person approach, which is very much out of style. It's the American naif thing, a la Lardner, Anderson and Faulkner in the early part of the last century. So I'm considering rewriting it. 3rd person, maybe.....


Ravi Mangla said...

I can relate to this, especially #3 and #4.

Amanda said...

Aw, I was looking forward to meeting you. Well anyway, thank you for being a force of good in literature and all that. Until some other time.

Laura Ellen Scott said...

heh, dean just did a lunch routine about you at AWP:

Hi! I'm the net's Scott Garson. You may know me from such rejections as, "not for us," "gonna pass this time, thanks" and "my lawyers will contact you in the morning"

Scott Garson said...

more regrets every day! every minute!

somebody put that on youtube....