Saturday, August 2, 2008

On Not Counting Stats

I don't have any way to guess about who you are if you're visiting this page. So if you're a Ruby Ridge type, be comforted....

Maybe I would have put a statcounter on this, at one point, if I could have easily. I didn't know how. Now I know how but don't want to. It's like, if nobody ever reads it, that's disheartening. On the other side, if this ever outdrew Wigleaf, even for a day.... again, disheartening...

I'm not saying that a journal automatically deserves to outdraw a blog. But Wigleaf is a lot better as a journal than this is as a blog....

That's the natural ending point for this post, isn't it?


Mike Fallon said...

maybe it's heartening to note this blog is responsible for turning us on to Tim Egan. we were reading Serious Farm yesterday.

also liked the self interview of a few days ago. glad you are back from the summer idyll.

Scott Garson said...

hey, cool! my kid thinks that 'nothin' funny about bell peppers' line is hilarious....