Friday, August 8, 2008

Nicolle Elizabeth for Prestidigident

She's got a fun story up @ Wigleaf this week. Fun as in it's a pleasure. Pleasure as in I read it and then go, yes, let's do that again.

I think she's probably the same one who had a story at Night Train a couple weeks ago. I'm pretty sure. And it looks like she gave them a little more in her bio. Will there be a hula hoop factory story, N? We'll fight Night Train for it. Oh no, we won't..... (see previous post...)


Andrew Roe said...

Another great Wigleaf story, Scott. And I wanted to do it again too, so I read the Night Train story, which was also superb. Thanks for linking. And this: "Scott's penchant for fisticuffs." Well done. I've been trying to bring back the word fisticuffs for years now (so far unsuccessful).

Scott Garson said...

thanks, a. I guess you're going to have a decent night train-wigleaf duo too....

Anonymous said...

Yeah Scott! Whoohoo Wigleaf.