Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I should say some basic things here.

My book of stories--IS THAT YOU, JOHN WAYNE?--is forthcoming from Queen's Ferry Press.

I've been working on these stories, and on this book, for a while. I'm all happy on it. It's better than I am. Lots better.

The individual stories range kind of wildly in length-- from 25 words to about 12,000. Most of the stories first appeared in journals: New Orleans Review, New Ohio Review, New York Tyrant, No Colony, Kenyon Review, Redivider, Carolina Quarterly and others.

The collection is lucky to have ended up w/ a great editor and advocate, Queen's Ferry's Erin Knowles McKnight. Am thrilled to be on the list there w/ some super-fine writers: Corey Mesler, Kristine Ong Muslim, Bayard Godsave, Michael Nye, Kevin Grauke, Elizabeth Frankie Rollins, Ethel Rohan, Phong Nguyen and others. The collection's also lucky to have found its way to cover designer Jason Hieronymus.

Okay. That's all for now.

Wait. Release date! (Spring 2013)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Goodbye, elimae

Some of you have heard that the current issue of elimae is the final one. I feel like we should be making more of this! elimae was a pioneer web journal—started up by Deron Bauman way back in ’96 (when most people still didn’t have email accounts, when you had wait long seconds for each web page to load). Under Bauman and subsequent editors (and super-fine writers) Cooper Renner, Kim Chinquee and Brandon Hobson, elimae specialized in a kind of fiction that was more or less disappearing in New York. Gordon Lish’s final year at Knopf was ’95, and New York was starting to narrow down to the two types of literary fiction it could hope to do profitably: moral entertainment and authorial spectacle. elimae did neither. Under Renner’s stewardship, the journal solidified its reputation for a distinctive sort of fiction—tight, minimal, sentence-aware, often very short (under three hundred words). As a reader, I didn’t always love everything I found in elimae, but I was always excited to read through the monthly issues. I always felt like an elimae story might find a way into me, changing my brain or the way I saw fiction or life on earth…